
We are looking for an agronomist to investigate and implement solutions for our clients.  In this role, you will examine, research, and solve problems related to crop management, output, and quality. 

Agronomist Responsibilities:

  • Developing better planting, cultivation, and harvesting techniques, improving crop yield, and solving problems for clients.
  • Researching and promoting agricultural strategies to counter the effects of changes in soil, climate, weather, and pest damage.
  • Visiting fields to collect seed, plant, and soil samples.
  • Testing samples for nutritional deficiencies, diseases, or other changes.
  • Assisting with the plant sourcing, testing, and selection.
  • Keeping detailed records regarding fields, customers, crops, and samples.
  • Generating reports and presenting findings to management, clients, or other interested parties.
  • Conducting training on products and techniques through educational presentations.
  • Managing teams of scientists while conducting field visits or laboratory work.
  • Developing planting and irrigation schedules, budgets, and timelines.

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